Institute of Medical Wellness and Research

Revolutionizing Global Self-Healthcare:

The Upstream Health Concept...

Who are we?

  1. The proposed, Institute of Medical Wellness and Research Center, is a four-year training program to create certified wellness experts. We are combining all the different modalities of medical, traditional, natural, and alternative wellness methods to become one powerful one.

  2. It will house multiple institutions on the same campus, starting with an international medical wellness institute, a wellness center, and research center, residential old age care, and a hospitality center.

A Picture representation of the Institute.
A Picture representation of the Institute.
  1. It will redefine wellness and would set up in the most idealistic environment conducive to each activity. Health Village will have all modern diagnostic facilities to look after the preventive measures, screening, and early detection to arrest the diseases at early stages

  1. This will not only make diagnoses but also aims to create a healthy lifestyle based on epigenetic lifestyle modification, as well as build a proper body system, creating internal energization through education and training programs.


The Institute of Medical Wellness and Research was conceived with the noble aim of providing holistic wellness. With the current lifestyle and eating habits, it has become imperative to proactively tackle the root cause of illness and, hence, not waste the precious resources inherited from our ancestors.

Our aim is not to treat diseases but rather to teach and keep normal people healthy until they die.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to provide an excellent Institute of Medical Wellness and research centre fir training, and consultation in medical wellness, holistic health, health psychology and wellness of allied fields (AYUSH).

  • The Institute of medical wellness and Research centre is envisioned to create a blueprint for a healthier India. It will house multiple institutions on the same campus; starting with an international medical institute, a medical wellness and research centre, a residential centre, a residential care home and a hospitality centre.

  • Institute of Medical Wellness and Research Centre will be a taste of the art care of your health facility

  • Our mission is to provide wellness to all life stages in an environment that promotes the preservation of each individual's health and well-being. From early detection, prevention, and treatment of diseases via the latest medical technologies to keep up with healthy living habits through lifestyle guidance; Our team of professionals looks forward to ensuring your and your family's health and happiness.

  • To advance the overall well-being of people by providing quality academic programs of care- integrated with a highly qualified team of experts in complementary medicine to meet the growing global demand for health and wellness.



1. The Institute of Medical Wellness & Research Center is envisioned to create a blueprint for a healthier India.

2. To create a new generation of wellness experts who will act as catalysts in bringing positive change to health systems around the world.

3. A center for preventive healthcare the induction of well-being through lifestyle changes, designed exclusively for all our people and visitors to lead healthy and injury-free lives.

4. To create "the wellness experts" for the world, who will spread the word about wellness to educate and influence the masses, who suffer from typical lifestyle diseases.

The Institute of Medical Wellness and Research Center (IMWRC) focuses on a holistic approach to wellness and aims to bridge the gap between conventional treatment regimes, alternative techniques, and lifestyle practices. Its aim is both to provide training programs in this innovative line of healthcare, as well as incorporate therapies into residential facilities with all required laboratory facilities where young people undergoing training can benefit simultaneously from various complementary treatments under one roof.

The Institute of Medical Wellness & Research Center is the first of its kind in India to combine medical and wellness institutes under one roof, creating an uninterrupted synergy between modern diagnostic procedures, research, and holistic treatments. It is a center in which traditional wisdom blends with high technology for diagnosis and healing. These offerings will be complemented by training programs in all disciplines so that wellness can be created not merely on a physical level but also on the mental and spiritual levels.

”We are in an era of healthcare and self-care; the two essentials for a great life! It is 2023, and people are prioritizing themselves now, but often it is a failed attempt; the reason being the incorrect approach or decline in dedication. This course is exactly what is needed. Although I knew most of the knowledge provided, acknowledging it was never my cup of tea. This course gave me the “study and cognize” 3 hrs a week time, to acknowledge the prior known and learn new things along the way. All the lectures focussed on minute issues that went unnoticed, and I am glad I listened to my heart and took-up the course. I hope the people interested in taking good care of themselves introspect themselves and pursue the course.

SNEHA SWAIN , student , NIT Rourkela

I have learned to be more self-aware, and that every person and thing we face contributes to our happiness or dissatisfaction.

Pius Ojara, Ugandan, NIT Rourkela Student, 2019/23.

Thank you so much for taking the time to take a course for us. It was one of the most refreshing classes I've had, and I always got to learn something new. It was very interesting to learn the science behind how we can take care of ourselves. The course brought new meaning to "Prevention is better than a cure". It was very eye-opening, and I hope I am able to implement the things I learned in my daily life to utilize their full potential.

Sincerely, Olivia Newton, NIT rourkela

My final semester subject was a good choice. This topic has cleared up many of my questions. Dr. Biswajit Mohapatra's unique teaching style is much appreciated. His instruction and experience are great!

This subject includes essential themes including lifestyle, diet, psychology, self-healing, and more, which can totally dispel common misconceptions and worries. Again, I thank myself for choosing this great topic.

Shubham Sahoo, B.Tech. NIT Rourkela.


The Institute of Medical Wellness and Research Center is a revolutionary concept aimed at redefining wellness and empowering individuals to take charge of their health. Located in a health village, the Institute WILL BE equipped with all ultramodern diagnostic and training facilities to train, educate, research, and commercialize wellness therapies.

We are connected to the global ethos and provide one-of-a-kind training to anyone who can't afford it.



Learning Health, Learning Wellness

At the Institute, we believe in creating one powerful force to ensure better health for individuals by integrating holistic approaches to well-being. We propose a 4 years training program to create wellness experts who will be equipped with all the important know-how and skills needed to serve mankind better.

We plan to create a Health Village fully equipped with state of art diagnostic facilities, where individuals will be evaluated on various counts and guided through the right teaching, counselling and training. The main objective is to create such a powerful force where each element supports rather than undermines the other and thereby achieve better results overall.

Institute of Medical Wellness and Research Center: Integrated Modalities of Health & Wellness:

Value Proposition